A Map of the Brain

Getting into the Mix

Put my link up on the class blog today as I plan to be completing some of the same work the students do, particularly with regard to the reflections and with the MRP (which reminds me I must finish those instructions this weekend). Here's an idea of how I'm organizing my site so far...I have three topics: journal, mrp, and research. Journal postings are the kind of reflective things and non-reflective things that don't go into the other topics (an efficient system, don't you think?). The MRP topic is where I'll be publishing my MRP. The research topic is where I"m doing some pre-writing before I head to my writing retreat at the end of the month. There's a connection between the research and MRP topics....as my research will be the basis for my MRP...that is, the topic/issue for my MRP will be my research question.

After posting that, I went back and added a fourth topic: Site Development. I have a number of postings (and will have many more) where I"m experimenting with certain things in terms of customizing this weblog (see Site Development topic). The thing I'm really liking about this is the fact that I can choose to have some "stories" online in topic (such as the site development stories) and they don't clutter up my home page. Or, I can keep my work for my MRP online in topic so it doesn't show on the home page as I go through the development period. Right now, I'm publishing items in my journal topic and my research topic online in weblog. Sweet!


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