A Map of the Brain

Friday, 21. June 2002

Essential Question

Time for someone to break the ice here. I've been working like mad this week trying to get some focus. Did some writings earlier in the week (in response to some questions Dolores gave me to answer). From one of those writings I even looped into two other writings, chasing down interesting concepts in different directions. Today, I wrote in response to two other questions and believe I have arrived at my focus. So, my essential question for my research is (drum roll, if you please!):

How do students move from a place of unknowing, confusion, and anxiety to a place of knowing, clarity, and confidence?
As to what I already know (or don't know) about this topic, that's kind of hard to say. Since I'm doing a qualitative study, and perhaps it is a narrative analysis (the stories of three students as they complete this particular assignment), the rule of thumb is that in narrative analysis we don't start with theory, we start with experience. By studying the stories, or the experiences of these 3 students, I can then find out what I know or need to know about the topic.

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